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YOUR GARDEN VALET Frequently Asked Questions

What time of year do I prune and start fertilizing house plants?

Houseplants can be pruned in February when new growth is flourishing. Fertilize every 2 weeks from March to October with a liquid fertilizer added to water.

Why do I need to aerate and dethatch grass?

Aerating and dethatching can help rejuvenate a lawn by restoring passageways to the soil. Left unchecked, a thick layer of thatch builds up above the soil line, water and fertilizer may run off instead of penetrating the soil.

When should I prune roses?

In November, prune roses to 1/4 inch height and strip off all the leaves from the plant and on soil to prevent the spread of disease. In spring, prune out dead and crossed branches and cut to an outside bud about 4"- 6" from ground. This should be done by March 17th.

When and why should I lime the grass?

Applying lime to your grass will decrease the acidity of your soil which causes the moss to grow. Applying dolopril lime in December/January up to March will allow the lime to wash into the soil.

Why should I use lime sulphur and dormant oil sprays?

These sprays kill many chewing and sucking pests in the garden. Spray mixture of lime sulphur/dormant oil 3 times starting in December.

What trees should they be used on?

Only spray on deciduous plants (no leaves in winter) such as fruit trees, roses and raspberries.

Why perform maintenance on wooden tool handles?

Well-maintained tools will protect your hands from splinters. Sharp edge will ease strain of digging and cutting through roots. Remove dirt and debris in winter and wipe with oiled rag.

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